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Hello, readers! Thank you so much for stopping to read this little blog of mine. One thing that has always been true of me is that I like to read. When I had the opportunity to start a blog, I immediately jumped at it. This is a place where I come to share my thoughts about a book, the summary of a book, and the ages I think this book is appropriate for. Of course, to each their own! This is purely an opinion blog and not a professional opinion. 


I also enjoy many more things that don't involve reading. One thing I absolutely love is to watch my favorite shows like FRIENDS, The Office, Parks and Rec, New Girl, and many more! I also really love superhero stuff. While this blog is mainly for book reviews, every now and then I'll include a few my other hobbies such as TV shows and what it is I'm currently watching or reading. 


Some other things that you should know about me are that I'm one of those people who are social at weird times but a complete hermit at other times, I am very loyal to my friends and family, and I'm honestly just kind of an odd person. Trust me when I say, though, that I completely embrace it!


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