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Breaking Dawn: The Amazing and Satisfying Conclusion to the Twilight Series

Writer's picture: CatNipCatNip

Book 4 of the Twilight series

Note: This may include spoilers to previous books in the series


Everything was now in motion for Bella Swan and her fiance, Edward Cullen. They are to be married before her nineteenth birthday and she is going off on her honeymoon and turned into what she's wanted since she's met him. A vampire. She wanted to live and love Edward forever and the only way for that to happen is to turn her into a vampire, like himself.

What Bella didn't realize when making the decision, is all that she would be turning her back on once she was changed. She'd be losing almost everyone she held dear. Her father, mother, and her best friend Jacob (who happened to be a werewolf) would be all but lost to her in this new life. But she knows what she wants. She wants Edward. Her choice of whether or not to become a vampire looms over her and causes the livelihood of many she cares about to hang in the balance.

While contemplating her fate, the unexpected happens to Bella. Something that has never been known to happen before. Now, even more than before, her life was truly being questioned by Edward, Jacob, and the Cullen clan. What life will transpire for Bella? Will she even live to see it?



Scale of 1-10:


Okay.... so this one was my favorite. I honestly don't know why this is the one I most gravitate towards, but I do. I think I really enjoyed how much Bella and Edward grew up in this book. There were also so many different character developments in each character that honestly made me so happy to see!

Jacob's character was so interesting to hear from in this story. His POV was so entertaining and different from Bella's. He's a humorous character as it is so the fact we actually got to see into his head, made it twenty times better. What happened to him at the end of his POV and throughout the rest of the story just gave me a warm feeling inside because of how much I loved him as a character.

There were definitely a lot of characters introduced in this story so I'm really impressed with how elegantly Stephenie Meyer introduced them into the Cullens' lives. There were even a couple of these side characters that I really fell in love with. One of the characters, Garrett, comes into the picture and I don't know what it was about how she wrote him, but I just adored him as a character. I loved how he interacted with the "vegetarian" vampires who only drank animal blood. He wasn't judgemental and he was genuinely curious about it. Plus his little romance with another character was really cool, even though we didn't see much of it.

So, if you think that the previous books in the series were good then I promise you will love this one sooo much more!


Age Rating


Because of the more sexual content, I believe that 13+ is an appropriate age for the average reader. Stephenie Meyer never gets too graphic with her scenes so if you're confident with the maturity level of your child, then this book is perfectly fine for younger audiences.


There is never a lot of language in the Twilight books but there is every now and then. Those words are usually "damn", "hell", and "piss". These are especially evident when hearing from Jacob's POV because apparently he has a mouth on him.

Sexual Content:

Out of all four of the Twilight books, Breaking Dawn has, in my opinion, the most sexual content of them all. For the record, it is NEVER graphic in any way and she never shows anything beyond kissing. It is just discussed and Bella talks about how she feels after the fact. One character, Emmett, make multiple jokes about Edward and Bella's sex life, as well.


After Bella and Edward are married and their on their honeymoon, Bella is not yet changed into a vampire so becomes pregnant with a child that is half-vampire.


Violence is almost nonexistent until right around the middle of the book when (spoilers!) Bella is giving birth to her and Edward's child. There is a lot of pain and blood is described to be everywhere. Bella's stomach must be cut open for the baby to get out. This is kind of a gruesome scene and it just honestly sounds painful when reading it.


Here's the link to the book on Goodreads:


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