Book 3 of the Twilight Saga
Note: This may include spoilers to previous books in series
Right now, everything seemed perfect for Bella Swan now that she was reunited with the man she loved, Edward Cullen. The word man may be the wrong one to use. Edward and the rest of the Cullen family were vampires. They were good vampires who only drank the blood of animals. Bella loved them all like she had no other.
While things were perfect between her and Edward, Seattle was being ravaged by a mysterious string of murders. Bella and the Cullens quickly came to the realization that it may not be a human that's murdering all the people of Seattle. All they knew for sure, though, was that it was deadly, and right in their back yard. The Cullens weren't the only ones who thought something was up. The werewolves of Forks, Washington sensed something as well.
With werewolves being an inherent enemy of vampires, they both found that having a common enemy was unsettling. It didn't help that one of Bella's best friends, Jacob, was a werewolf. Her friendship with him and her love for Edward was quickly becoming more fuel for the natural enemies to use against each other. Despite the common enemies the Cullens and the werewolves share, they may start warring against each other.
Will Bella be able to choose between the different types of love she has for Edward and Jacob? Will she be able to even put up with the fact they're both making her choose?
Scale of 1-10:
Note: These books hold a certain nostalgia for me so I may be bias
Alright, so I'm just going to start off with what I didn't like about this book. The one thing that bothered me was how emotional Bella was. I feel that she just really relies on others to determine her emotions. I really did like it when she actually started to stand up for herself when it came to Edward and Jacob. I guess what Stephenie Meyer is trying to show is how caught up in feelings some people can get. I can honestly relate to a lot of the feelings Bella was having. I just think that I would stand up for myself a little bit more though, especially when it came to Edward.
Okay, time for the happy stuff! I love this story. I love these characters! I think that when I watch the movies (which I like but still think they could be WAY better) I forget how much I like the characters. The movies don't accurately portray the characters. I feel that Jacob and Edward have a much bigger sense of humor in the books than they do in the movies. It just makes it more enjoyable to read.
I also really enjoyed how big of a role Jasper played in this book. He is probably one of my favorite members of the Cullen family. I loved seeing the bond that he and Alice had and it's probably my favorite romance of the ENTIRE book even though it's not put in the limelight. It just warms my heart.
Age Rating
This third book of the series is only slightly more mature than the previous books in my opinion because it touches more on the topic of sex. Despite that, I still kind of think it's perfectly fine for a kid to keep reading the series up to this book.
The only language that's sprinkled throughout the story are the words "damn", "hell", and "piss".
Sexual Content:
There is a little more sexual content in this book than the two previous books. There are the inevitable kissing scenes. They get pretty intense in this book, though. There is one scene where Bella and Edward talk about having sex but after some discussion, Edward refuses to do it until they are married. At the end of the book, they talk about it more and still come to the agreement to wait. There is also a part where Charlie, Bella's dad, tries to have the sex talk with her but it goes terribly and it's insanely awkward. Honestly, I think that scene was meant for mainly comical purposes.
There is also quite a bit more violence in this book than the previous ones. There is a lot more fighting between vampires and between vampires and werewolves. There is a part where Bella cuts her arm to distract a bad vampire. There is a scene where vampires and werewolves are tearing apart other vampires who are trying to harm Bella. It describes the act of them tearing it apart. Since vampires don't have blood, it's not too disgusting to picture, in my opinion. Characters also sustain other injuries but it's nothing too graphically described.
Here's the link to the book on Goodreads: