So far in the Twilight Saga, we've only heard how Bella felt while meeting Edward. Until now, we didn't know how Edward felt about meeting Bella. It's finally time that we hear how the lonely brother of the Cullen family met the woman he would love for eternity.
While Bella felt excited and immensely intrigued by Edward, he had different thoughts about her. Her being around him put his entire family at risk and threatened to make him go back on years of never tasting human blood. So why couldn't he stay away from the girl who had the power fo ruining his existence? Why did he feel so drawn to her in a way he couldn't describe.
From the moment he met her, he felt an odd impulse to protect the girl that had the ability to trip over a flat surface. The ironic thing is, the one thing he felt he truly had to protect her from, was himself. He couldn't even be in the same room as her without his throat burning from the delicious smell of her blood.
With this book, we get to see all of his thoughts when meeting the one he loved. We also get to see an amazing insight to the rest of the Cullen family and the other humans that surrounded Bella due to the fact that Edward has the interesting ability to read minds.
How will Edward Cullen protect Bella Swan from himself, when he couldn't even stop himself from seeing her? How could he keep putting this delicate creature in danger because of his weakness for her company? Find out Edward's side of the romantic battle in this absorbing installment of the Twilight Saga.
Scale of 1-10:
For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story through Edward's POV almost more than I did reading it from Bella's. I feel that I got to see into the lives of the Cullens so much more than I did when reading the first four Twilight books. The fact that Edward can read minds really gives you a glimpse into the others' thoughts as well. Because of that same ability, there are many surprises that this book contained ranging from finding out just how much Charlie deeply cared for his daughter to realizing Mike WAS NOT as nice to Bella in his thoughts as he was to her face.
I think that it's because I have such a huge attachment to the side characters like the entire Cullen family that I enjoyed this book so much. I got to see how Esme felt so maternal toward Edward and just loved him so much. I also got to see more about how Jasper's mind worked. He's so quiet that it was really awesome to see the stuff he was thinking! I think I was most captivated by Edward reading Alice's mind. You really get to see just how her power works and how far ahead in Bella and Edward's future she saw. I finally got to see why she was immediately happy to meet Bella.
Learning more about Edward and Carlisle's past was probably one of the best parts. Reading about the father-son relationship that they had almost immediately with each other was heartwarming and made me love Carlisle even more than I already did! He truly cared for Edward and it hurt him to see him struggle. The stories about how they dealt with Edward being a newborn and then how they dealt with including Esme into their lives. I just loved it so much and it made me kind of happy.
I do need to point out, though, that this book isn't the type of thing for Twilight readers that's new. We know exactly what's going to happen but we're just reading it from a new angle. So the parts that would make you dying to know what happened in Twilight, don't have that same effect in this book. Though, there is a small portion of the book where Edward is in a major hurry and that part is actually pretty tense even though I knew how it was going to end. I think the way Stephenie Meyer writes it, it makes me all excited!
There is so much I want to share with you all but if I shared everything, it would ruin the surprise when you read it yourself. I want every Twilight fan to enjoy the same level of happiness I felt when reading about Edward and the rest of his odd (even for vampires) family!
Age Rating
While for the most part, Midnight Sun is very much like Twilight when it comes to inappropriate scenes, there are many darker elements to Edward's POV than Bella's. Though this book does dwell on certain things because of Edward's mind-reading skill such as the thought processes of some of the male characters in the story.
Words that are used every now and then in the book are "damn", "ass", "hell", and "piss". They aren't used too often so it's not a huge deal in my opinion.
Sexual Content:
There aren't any scenes in this book that go past kissing but because Edward can read minds, you see a little bit more of the male characters' trains of thought. Many of Bella's human guy friends like Mike are mentioned to think certain inappropriate thoughts about her. It doesn't go into detail but it's implied multiple times.
When Edward is talking to Bella about the time of his life where he hunted murderers and rapists instead of just drinking innocent people's blood, he focuses on a single story about how he had to protect a little girl from being kidnapped from her room by a man who let's just say had disgusting intentions. I think this part of the book is just really dark and kind of gave me a sick feeling. Details aren't really dwelt on in that part, though.
Other than what I've said, the only other things are when Edward is admiring Bella's body, not really in a disgusting way, though, and he didn't do it often. Surprisingly, being from a male's perspective, there wasn't really a lot of stuff you'd naturally expect to come from a boy's mind. But then again, Edward really isn't the most realistic sense of what a guy acts like no matter how much I wish it to be true ;-)
Obviously there are scenes where the vampires drink blood both from humans and animals but I don't personally think it's too gory. Much of the violence that takes place in Twilight, happens in this book as well. Edward also thinks fairly violent thoughts towards the people who want to hurt Bella. Edward's temper tends to get out of hand when it comes to Bella's safety.
Here's the link to the book on Goodreads: