This book is a play on the famous movie, The Breakfast Club. You have the classic character archetypes, the brain (Bronwyn), the criminal (Nate), the princess (Addy), the athlete (Cooper), and finally, the nutcase (Simon). Every single one of these teenagers are known for something. Bronwyn for her smarts, Cooper for his baseball, Addy for her beauty, and Nate for his astounding criminal record. Simon, on the other hand is known for something quite unique. He somehow knows everyone in the school's deep, dark secrets. He puts his knowledge to use in his very popular gossip app that the whole school reads.
One day, all five of these students walk into detention and only four of them leave....
Who was the one who killed the nutcase?
In this murder mystery you see the point of view from Bronwyn, Cooper, Nate, and Addy. Every single one of these high school students are hiding something. Something that seems as though they would do anything to keep it from getting out. Who killed Simon? What are they all hiding?
Scale of 1-10:
Up until this book I have to say that I never had read any mystery novels. I think it's incredibly safe to say that I made an excellent choice in starting with this book. I automatically got hooked and invested in these characters. The way she wrote from each of their points of view was just such an amazing choice. The way she developed the tension of the story and kept the suspense real was quite marvelous! The romance in it is really sweet and I love the way she built that up, as well.
This book also focuses on the fact that phones are what most teenage lives revolve around and how it can be insanely stressful for those teenagers. I think that if there's one thing that I learned from this book was that sometimes it's a good idea to put your phone down every now and then!
I believe that this was her first book that she published and that honestly shocked me when I found out. It was just so good that I'm surprised it came from a fairly new author! It takes a really good book to get a 10 and I truly believe that Karen McManus deserves a 10 on this book.
Age Rating
(Warning! Minor spoilers ahead!)
There's just quite a bit of language (especially from Nate's character) in this book but not so much that it's every other word. There is (obviously) a lot of talk about murder and dark elements like that due to the fact that this is a murder mystery. When it comes to romance and sexual content, there is a romance that develops throughout the book between Nate and Bronwyn. In this book, there are both homosexual and heterosexual relationships represented. Sexual content in this book doesn't go any farther than intense kissing scenes and some references to sex. This book also talks about people being unfaithful in their relationships. Honestly, when it comes to romance, it's not too bad and the author does a good job portraying teen emotions and struggles.
Here's the link to the book on Goodreads: