Book 1 of The Color Alchemist series
After discovering that she's a color alchemist, Jessa Loxley must navigate a whole new aspect of her life. Color alchemists are powerful people who work for the government to further upgrade and take care of the kingdom of New Colony. The only hang-up with Jessa being a color alchemist is that usually the ability they carry, being able to utilize color and turn it into powerful magic, shows up when a person is around five. Definitely not when they're 16...
Now at the palace, Jessa is put under the care of the prince of New Colony himself, Prince Lucas. Prince Lucas has secrets and burdens of his own that no one could possibly imagine. When he meets Jessa and sees the sheer power she contains, despite being so untrained, he cannot help but imagine how she can help him make New Colony safer and better, even though that meant taking his power-hungry father out of the equation.
How will these two deal with the discoveries they make? They learn secrets about their respective families and how those secrets will determine how they deal with what is to come in their lives. One thing they discover to be inevitable is that they are now part of each other's lives, whether they like it or not.
Scale of 1-10:
I honestly think that this is the lowest score that I've given any book. The only reason that it isn't lower than that is that I truly think that the concept this author came up with is really cool and unique but other than that I have many complaints about this book.
One of them is the dialogue. Almost every time someone talks it's usually pretty cheesy and stiff sounding. Sometimes there will be huge paragraphs of one person talking with no breaks. I feel that that just makes it sound monotone and robotic. There will also be conversations where everyone's pleasant one minute and then infuriated the next. I don't feel that the author gives enough build-up to the situations/conversations.
I also really feel that everything in this story is rushed and there isn't a whole lot of character development. The book doesn't give me time to fall in love with the characters. Jessa, I think, needs to be developed a little more because she will be angry and stubborn one minute and then laughing the next and all I can think about is the level of MOOD SWINGS that girl is having!
While I wouldn't recommend this book, I do believe that this is a really interesting concept and I did enjoy that factor of mystical, colorful magic.
Age Rating
Besides some flirting and kissing, there really isn't a lot of inappropriate aspects to this book.
This book does not, as far as I could tell, contain any language in it whatsoever.
Sexual Content:
There is a lot of flirting and one intense kissing scene. Nothing goes beyond kissing, though.
There is discussion of blood and major injuries. They don't go into graphic detail but it still isn't all flowers and rainbows.
Here's the link to the book on Goodreads: